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Digital Nomad

Circular Economy

Because any of our sharing actions deserve a prize!

The reference point for every action of the MyA Cohousing network  is to not interrupt  never the economic cycle generated by any action of the participants.
Each person must be able to donate and share
  information, experience, knowledge inside and outside our network and at the same time we must be able to expect to obtain the same from others.
This system is based on shared trust
  and distributed in the network, based on the concrete fact that  it will be more convenient for anyone on the net to share rather than retain information e  knowledge by using it in a competitive model.
This goal is achieved by using several interconnected tools to support this new humanistic economy. Blockchain - Artificial Intelligence - Nework Marketing are the tools used to enhance the contribution that each member of the community makes within human society.

Explain how this can be true   turns out  complex,  much more immediate to try to enter the system to use it. Understanding occurs through experimentation and does not involve any expense.

It is for this reason that  any action that has an advantage for others  deserves an award that underlies trust, sharing, empathy and the desire to collaborate to improve the human condition of all of us.

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