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Why MyA Cohousing?

Alive. Work. Explore, Collaborate.

Our network  was born from the idea that people derive greater wealth when they are part of a community. In today's changing world, many people prefer to live in different places and not just one. Whether you've been on a long journey or just have a job that doesn't require you to stay in a specific place, be part of a connected and decentralized network of  community can offer you greater freedom and unexpected prospects for life and enrichment.


And many others because ...

However the most important is yours!

Tell us  What would you find  in an intentional community and how do you think this could  improve your life.
You could
  Do  simply by signing up without being afraid to share your goal. Nobody you  will judge, you can simply find who has similar goals to yours and you can together  build our great collaborative project.

To register, just register at the top right,  where the image with the little orange man appears and participate in the sharing circles, introduce yourself and make yourself known. Everything depends on you!

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Because  you can be freer

Free to change jobs, free to alternate activities, free to live in nature, free to study and improve your knowledge and experience, free to travel and do whatever satisfies you, because  you will be the one to create the conditions for this to happen and you will not have to wait too long for  fulfill the dream of your life.

Because finding a group that supports you makes your life happier

Be part of an intentional community,  even for a short period of your life  allows you to clearly and transparently expand your relationships and the circle of trust  that they will help to grow. You will understand that a community is an extended family, sought after and shared and therefore much more harmonious because it resulted from a choice that led you to have support from those people who are next to you by their choice and under the conditions  agreed.

Because your value must always be recognized, whether small or large

Freedom also means financial freedom, freedom to move between one community and another and make a path of personal enrichment without losing the value of the work done which becomes the  your assets  shareable with others, but that no one can ever take away from you, because it represents exactly where you are now, with your being  it's your will and it's the story of your life.

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