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Many Roofs,
One Soul!

MyA Cohousing = Sense of community

MyA Cohousing helps realize i  dreams  of those who want to live  in tune with others and with nature  in  intentional communities where technology, well-being, privacy  are feasible to transform the buildings of the past into homes of the future on a human scale, not designed for the mass market   but  for small cohesive groups who want to take root in the territory to look after it lovingly.


MyA Cohousing

Alive. Work. Explore, Communicate

You live  In the  well-being when you feel part  active community that there  welcomes in harmony.
Each project is born as inclusive and  Attended for  solve  the needs of individuals in  various types of communities that can be created with interests and passions compatible with the place where they will settle.
Each community that  MyA Cohousing  develops in partnership with potential inhabitants  has the specific purpose of giving them  maximum personal freedom in interpersonal relationships and in  net  decentralized of interconnected communities that adopt the economic ecosystem  which allows  full freedom of movement of people within the network to create economic sustainability  of every  community.

Costruire case

Cascina Costacalda

Our pilot project

CASCINA COSTACALDA  Sara  much more than just a place to stay or work for fellow travelers in the settled community. We are in fact organizing  a united intentional community, proud that will be able to welcome guests from all over the world all year round, helping them to find, even in this pristine part of Piedmont, secluded and magical, the possibility of accommodation and work, in the short, medium and long term, combined with an active reception of  silver cohousing  to make it sustainable  the restoration of the building and the life of the community.
Cascina Costacalda will be the perfect place for digital nomads, adventurous spirits, active seniors and anyone looking for an unforgettable experience in contact with nature and tradition, meditative and sporty in a mystical place, where slow and experiential travel becomes the philosophy of life


Advantages of MyA Cohousing

Tokenization of living

Cascina Costacalda, our pilot project , and the others that will be born around it and will connect to the network,  they will offer the nomadic and permanent communities great advantages.

By purchasing the Security Tokens of our real estate system, you can help us realize the  pilot project  and other projects in full collaborative spirit e  get  advantages of using  the services that will be offered in the buildings developed for the reception and productivity of the community, once completed.  Ecovillages and Cohousing managed by Intentional Communities will constitute  the integrated system where the home and the services connected to it will be cash, exchangeable and generators of collaboration and automatic income for all members.

Digital Nomad
Godersi la natura

The communities will organize emotional events and will be able to facilitate the  collaborative and non-competitive networking

For all your needs

There is nothing that excites us more than seeing the MyA Cohousing community grow, both in size and quality. That's why we already offer online now  motivational and networking events that constitute the core of the participated project. Once our sites are created in real life, the services and job opportunities designed will be amplified and will allow an even  more  rapid growth of our decentralized network of singular communities  and cohesive. We want to revolutionize the way we share our ideas, culture and creativity and the places where this information is generated, replacing the concept of ownership of things with the right to use them.

Variable workspaces e  adaptable to various needs to create  synergies and abundance

Beyond expectations

MyA Cohousing believes  in Participatory Planning  to provide  to the inhabitants spaces  efficient and suitable  to the welcome of travel companions as well as for everyday life and permanent activities.

This is why both the permanent resident who manages the reception, and the traveling companions will find useful tools  to optimize their work e  leisure and focus on building  serene and engaging human relationships that allow you to live a peaceful life.
Who travels through the communities is not a tourist but a person who has the opportunity to savor community life by collaborating with it and enjoying its advantages in a full collaborative spirit without prevarication.

Camera da letto in cemento fresco

Flexible spaces for accommodation to spend a harmonious life  and balanced  between sociability, fun and privacy

For every lifestyle

The spirit of MyA Cohousing is to offer for each location,  integrated into the network of  intentional communities, a truly unique and unparalleled networking experience for all needs. We will offer flexible accommodation spaces with varying degrees of confidentiality and facilities that will allow,  through social and work spaces, to optimize services  for common life and personal well-being than in a single home  they could never be  included at affordable prices for all. it is the spirit of collaboration  and the expertise that everyone can bring in sharing that  it will allow us to live in a welcoming environment without sacrificing ourselves, above the current standards of living and living in a home.

The circular economy of the MyA Cohousing network. The Glocal alternative!

Freedom to generate wealth

The MyA Cohousing network transforms real estate assets into cash by taking it as  unit of measure  for the value of services and products  made by the adhering communities within the ecosystem. The quality of buildings, their energy efficiency  and compliance with environmental and maintenance parameters becomes the real value for  a cryptographic digital currency with shared accounting on the blockchain that allows those who own it to own  rights of use on things and services produced by the communities. A collaborative economy  much more efficient  and stress-free when compared to the one in which we are immersed.



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